
October 14, 2024

Brighton Marine Rescue was tasked at 2:00am Thanksgiving morning by JRCC to assist Cape Rescue of Cobourg to a rescue at Point Petrie for a vessel that lost maneuvering capabilities.

With strong winds and increasing waves, we persevered working alongside the shore spotters from the Prince Edward County Fire Department, Prescott Coast Guard Radio and Cape Rescue Coast Guard we were able to quickly locate the stranded vessel.

With Cape Rescue being the larger vessel, they were tasked to tow the disabled vessel to Brighton Bay where BMR took over to finish towing the vessel with 2 souls and a dog on board to safe harbour at Harbourview Marina after a 14 hour search and rescue.

We all definitely had a lot to be thankful for by the end of this tasking.

A special thank you to Prince Edward County Fire Department, Prescott Coast Guard Radio and Cape Rescue Coast Guard for being  a big part of this SAR mission!

Saving Lives on Water!!

October 6, 2024

Brighton Marine Rescue had an incredible training exercise with our SAR partners of 424 Tiger Squadron 607 this morning.

424 requested that we drop Bob (our rescue mannequin) in the Lake at a location not known to them.

They quickly found Bob, then dropped SRK smoke/ fire flares and life rafts nearby. They also dropped off a pump barrel to BMR between two flares.

The weather conditions for this training session made us more cautious as we dealt with 25 kph winds and 6’ waves that were tossing us about.

Thank you 424 Tiger Squadron 607 for an excellent training session!

September 28-29, 2024

Congratulations to all who completed the Phase 1 & 2 on water training requirements from CCGA this past weekend. This was a 2 day training.

We had volunteer CCGA members from WARA (Wellington Auxiliary Rescue), PARA (Pickering Auxiliary Rescue) and BMR (Brighton Marine).

Members have 18 months to complete phase 1 and 36 months to complete phase 2.

A special thank you to our Instructors Dana Coppins (COMRA), Terry Cox (BMR), David McFaul (WARA) and Chris Sapsford (BMR student instructor)

Thank you to David McFaul for the use of his vessel for this training.

September 27, 2024

Today, Brighton Marine Rescue invited Brian Ostrander, Capt. Hietala from Brighton Fire Rescue, Chief Brown from Northumberland Paramedics and Inspector McNaughton from Northumberland Ontario Provincial Police for a ride-along.

September 9, 2024

Brighton Marine Rescue was out on the water last night continuing their training with man over board and PIW (person in water)!

Continuous training gives BMR Volunteers the skills to respond to all emergencies with the technique and confidence to help save lives on the water!

Volunteers Make a Difference!

September 1, 2024

At 17:46 yesterday, BMR was tasked by JRCC to aid a capsized 21’ Catamaran with 4 souls on board.

We arrived on scene shortly after and found the vessel had drifted to shallow water. At that point we had also realized a jet ski had assisted righting the vessel.

All 4 people on board were fine and returned to their own dock under power of their engine.

Prescott Coast Guard thanked us for helping out today.

August 28, 2024

(from left) Chris Sapsford, Len Kuipers, and Geoff Suddard of the Brighton Marine Rescue (BMR) received a cheque for $4,000 from our club on Wednesday, Aug. 28. The funds will be used toward the purchase of a custom made trailer to transport the rescue boat when required.

The funds were a gift from the Presqu’ile Point Lighthouse Preservation Society through the Brian Todd Memorial Foundation.

August 16, 2024

Brighton Marine Rescue was tasked by JRCC on Friday that took us to Belleville to find a boat disabled under the Belleville bridge. 

When we arrived on scene the vessel had contacted local people to assist, so we were then retasked by JRCC to escort them to safe harbour which this time was the George St docks.

We had great cooperation from the bridge masters along the Murray canal.

Our trip there was quick and our trip back doubled as training for some of our new members on helm, nav, radio and also some coxswain training.

August 13, 2024

Brighton Marine Rescue was out on the water last night doing Night operations training.

New crews participated in doing sector search evolutions at night.

Continuous training gives BMR Volunteers the skills to respond to all emergencies with the technique and confidence to help save lives on the water!

August 11, 2024

Brighton Marine Rescue was tasked by JRCC to a disabled 18 foot StarCraft fishing boat with one soul on board in Brighton Bay.

BMR towed the vessel to Harbourview. The Coxswain in Training, Geoff Suddard, did an excellent job guiding the new crew to a positive outcome.

July 29, 2024

Brighton Marine Rescue had an incredible day this morning training with our SAR partners of 424 Squadron.

They dropped smoke flares, SRK flares, simulated drops for pump barrels and life rafts.

It was such a high quality training to improve our skills.

Thank you 424 Squadron!

July 27, 2024

Brighton Marine Rescue was on the water yesterday training with our SAR Partners QSAR Quinte Search and Rescue as we were refreshing our skills with long tows and hip tows.

Thanks for an amazing day!

July 22, 2024

Brighton Marine Rescue was tasked by JRCC this morning to a 37ft Sailboat aground off Myers Pier Marina in Belleville with 3 souls on board. No injuries were reported.

Brighton Marine Rescue was able to refloat the grounded vessel.

After Inspection by the vessels crew,  it was determined no damage had occurred and the sailing crew were able to continue on their voyage.

July 18, 2024

Last night at 17:00 Brighton Marine Rescue was tasked by JRCC to the Bay of Quinte for disabled 17 foot bow rider.

As a necessity of going through the Murray Canal after hours, arrangements had to be made to secure passage. This was secured and Brighton Marine rescued continued.

A Vessel with one person on board was found on the south side of the Bay of Quinte south of CFB Trenton. BMR towed the vessel into the Municipal dock in Trenton and secured.

Bright Marine Rescue then made its way back through the Murray Canal with the aid of the Lock master. We returned to normal operations at 1930.

July 7, 2024

Brighton Marine Rescue was tasked by JRCC last Sunday afternoon to the Murray Canal for a disabled 25 foot pleasure craft with four souls and 2 dogs on board.

All on board are safe and BMR safely towed the vessel to Harbourview Marina. 

June 23, 2024

We received a call from JRCC yesterday of a possible 26 foot sailboat that had broke free from the wall at the Murray Canal.

Upon arrival, the stern had swung out into the canal and the bow was nosed into the cement wall.

The lines were too small for the size of vessel and they had broken free. We used our anchor rode to secure the stern and bow. We also removed the jib boom as it was being damaged from the pounding against the cement wall. We also added two additional lines to the bow to help hold the bow out and away from the wall.

Owner was contacted by JRCC and was coming down to secure the vessel.

June 18, 2024

Brighton Marine Rescue was on the water participating in its regular training at Scotch Bonnet and High Bluff last night. 

Continuous training gives BMR Volunteers the skills to respond to all emergencies with the technique and confidence to help save lives on the water! 

June 13, 2024

Brighton Marine Rescue was tasked by JRCC at 5 am this morning to a disabled 36 foot houseboat, 10 miles south of Presquile Park on Lake Ontario with 2 souls on board.

All on board are safe and BMR safely towed the vessel to Harbourview Marina.

Saving Lives on Water!

June 11, 2024

Thank you to the Brian Todd Memorial Community Fund for your generous support to Brighton Marine Rescue to continue the amazing work BMR does to help save lives on the water.

We rely on the generous support of our community organizations to complete the work we do supporting our residents and visitors on the water.

Check out the details of the Brian Todd memorial fund at

June 4, 2024

Brighton Marine Rescue had a fantastic joint training last evening with our SAR partners

of 424 (SAR) Hercules on Lake Ontario with scheduled drops of water pumps, life rafts etc to Brighton Marine Rescue from the Herc.

Continuous training is key to saving lives on the water!

We regularly work in partnership with 424 Rescue Squadron and other SAR partners to keep our community safe on the water!

Our partnership with these organizations allow us to respond to all emergencies with confidence.

Saving lives on water!

May 28, 2024

BMR participated in a fantastic and educational joint training Tuesday morning!

We had the pleasure to do a training with our SAR partners of 424 (SAR) Hercules in Presquile Bay with scheduled drops of water pumps, life rafts etc to Brighton Marine Rescue from the Herc.

We had a sunny day but strong winds of 15 kts (30 kph) with 5-6 foot waves during our joint training. No matter the weather Brighton Marine Rescue will be there for you!

Continuous training is key to saving lives on the water! We regularly work in partnership with 424 Rescue Squadron and other SAR partners to keep our community safe on the water! Our partnership with these organizations allow us to respond to all emergencies with confidence.

May 13, 2024

Brighton Marine Rescue had an amazing cross training with our SAR Partners of 424 Rescue Squadron Tiger Squadron 491 this afternoon on Lake Ontario.

Continuous training with our SAR partners allows us to respond to all emergencies with the technique and confidence to help save lives on water!

May 11, 2024

If you saw BMR on the water yesterday it was a Coxswain requalification day! 

Brighton Marine Rescue is now back in service and ready for the 2024 boating season!

Day or night, the crew of The Brighton Marine Rescue is on call 24/7 for marine emergencies. Whether you are experiencing a medical emergency or a mechanical breakdown we are just a phone/radio call away.

Stay safe and let’s have a wonderful 2024 boating season!

Saving Lives on Water!

May 4, 2024

BMR is in the water and will be back in service next weekend after our crew completes some required system checks and crew requalifications to be  ready for the 2024 boating season! Day or night, the crew of The Brighton Marine Rescue is on call 24/7 for marine emergencies. Whether you are experiencing a medical emergency or a mechanical breakdown we are just a phone/radio call away.

Did you know that there is no charge for our services?

Remember - for a marine emergency just dial *16 on your cell phone or channel 16 on VHF and you will be connected with the rescue centre and help will be on the way.

Stay safe and let’s have a wonderful 2024 boating season!

Apr 20, 2024

BBrighton Marine Rescue is in the final preparations of getting ready for the 2024 boating season.

Our crew have been ensuring everything is in working order, going through various items on the vessel and training on new equipment that was purchased for this upcoming boating season with the projected launch date of May 4.

Our Executive Director Len Kuipers was checking out that our Floater and immersion suits are ready for operations.

Mar 26, 2024

Brighton Marine Rescue recently held their AGM and a few people were  recognized for their years of service.

5 years Haig Baronikian

10 years Terry Cox

15 years Paul Gauthier

15 years Sue Gauthier-absent

15 years David Craig


Members who completed Phase 1 & 2 recently were also recognized

Len Kuipers

Jordon Pennings

Ben Lackey

Gary Smith-resigned

Ray Caouette-resigned


Outgoing unit leader, Terry Cox was presented with a leadership award in recognition of his commitment and leadership as Unit Training Officer and Unit Leader. Terry will continue to be a Phase Instructor for CCGA and be an active member of Brighton Marine Rescue.

Jim Coolen Director of District 1 CCGA presented Brighton Marine Rescue with a Facility Recognition Award for 15 years and an Award of Recognition of 15 Years of Dedicated of Volunteer Search and Rescue Services to incoming Unit Leader Chris Sapsford.

Oct 7, 2023

As the 2023 season comes to an end, Brighton Marine Rescue would like to thank all of our volunteer members for a successful season.

Your dedication, education and training is an ongoing process throughout the year and we thank you for your commitment! We would also like to thank our SAR partners for the valuable training sessions this year. We look forward to working together next season. 

Brighton Marine Rescue would like to especially thank the community for being vigilant in keeping our boating community safe. We would like to also thank everyone who has donated to keeping Brighton Marine Rescue on the water.

Brighton Marine Rescue is now out of service until the 2024 season.

Sept 23, 2023

Thank you to everyone who checked out Brighton Marine Rescue during Brighton Applefest 2023.

We had the pleasure of introducing ourselves to our Community and explaining what we are all about to many people.

The Brighton Marine Rescue is a registered federal charity and provincial not-for-profit organization dedicated to Saving Lives on the Water. 

Sep 22, 2023

Brighton Marine Rescue had an amazing training session with the Crew from Canadian Coast Guard SAR Station Cobourg CCGS Cape Rescue and Wellington Rescue on Friday September 22.

This training with our SAR partners allows our units to sharpen our skills and to build unity between our volunteer unit Wellington Rescue and the full time team from SAR station Cobourg.

Thank you!

Sept 17, 2023

If you saw Brighton Marine Rescue on the water this past weekend, our new members were completing their Phase 1 & 2 on water training requirements from CCGA. Members have 18 months to complete phase 1 and 36 months to complete phase 2.

Sept 14, 2023

Brighton Marine Rescue had an amazing cross training with our SAR Partners of 424 Rescue Squadron Tiger squadron 422 this afternoon on Lake Ontario. Continuous training with our SAR partners, allows us to respond to all emergencies with the technique and confidence to help save lives on the water! 

Aug 19, 2023

BMR was tasked out on Saturday afternoon for a pontoon boat that had run aground near the Lake Ontario side of Wellers bay. Upon arrival, BMR had to deal with strong winds and 5-6 foot waves and the vessel was beached on shore with 7 people aboard. The decision was made to go into Wellers bay and retrieve the people on the Wellers bay side. All were safely rescued and taken to Harbourview marina in Gosport.

Always check the weather before you head out on the water.

Saving lives on water!!

August 1, 2023

BARU had a fantastic joint night training with our SAR Partners of 424 Rescue Squadron Tiger squadron 613 last night on Lake Ontario.

Continuous training with our SAR partners, allows us to respond to all emergencies with the technique and confidence to help save lives on the water.

July 30, 2023

If you saw BARU on the water Sunday, they were doing advanced Helm and Nav training.

It was a wonderful training session done by all!

Continuous training to save lives on the water!

July 26, 2023

Brighton Auxiliary Rescue Unit (BARU) had another fantastic training session with the Crew from Canadian Coast Guard SAR Station Cobourg and their vessel CCGS Cape Rescue on July 26.

This training with our SAR partners allows both our units to sharpen our skills and to build unity between our volunteer unit and the full time team from SAR station Cobourg.

Thank you!

July 19, 2023

BARU participated in a fantastic and educational joint training with 424 Rescue Squadron Tiger 419 Helicopter in Presquile Bay Wednesday afternoon.

Continuous training is key to saving lives on the water!

We regularly work in partnership with 424 Rescue Squadron and other SAR partners to keep our community safe on the water!

Our partnership with these organizations allow us to respond to all emergencies with confidence.

June 28, 2023

Brighton Auxiliary Rescue Unit (BARU) was able to conduct our first direct training session with the Crew from Canadian Coast Guard SAR Station Cobourg and their vessel CCGS Cape Rescue. We first conducted a simulated patient transfer and hand off from Cape Rescue to our vessel Brighton Rescue. Next with the aid of a crew member from Canadian Coast Guard SAR Station Cobourg, we conducted a person in the water recovery using a real person in a survival suit. This training would not be possible without the help from our partners at SAR Station Cobourg and it’s enormously valuable to us as a unit. We are hoping that this is the start of a longer term training partnership, which will allow both units to sharpen our skills and to build unity between our volunteer unit and the full time team from SAR station Cobourg.

Thank you!

June 1, 2023

We had the pleasure of having two members (Randy and John) of the US Coast Guard Auxiliary from Illinois on Lake Michigan and Gary Endicott District One Director visit us on Thursday for a ride-out and information exchange. We covered many things from our membership, organization, process of how we operate and our training procedures, the boat’s history and how BARU attained the vessel, the nav station and helms, communications including headsets,safety equipment, immersion suits, dewatering pumps, hoist and so on. We then took them out for a short test ride to the Morse A and demonstrated high speed runs, turns and the boat’s stability at speeds.

Thank you USCGA and Gary Endicott for visiting!

May 25, 2023

Continuous training is extremely important to BARU members so they can be there for you!

Last night our members were doing dock side training of various knots including bowline, clove hitch, figure eight on a bight, towing knots as well as learning the proper method of securing the vessel to a dock. Our members were also attaining the appropriate procedure of donning and doffing floater and immersion suits.

Continuous training helps Save lives on the water!

Teamwork is key to being there for our community!!

May 17, 2023

We would like to inform everyone that due to unfortunate circumstances BARU is temporarily out of service due to mechanical issues. If you do have an issue on the water please use the contact information above.

May 13, 2023

Brighton Auxiliary Rescue Unit was pleased to accept a cheque from the Grant-in-Aid program generously provided by the Brighton Municipality on Saturday by Mayor Ostrander. The municipality also provided a no cost slip for the 2023 operating season. These funds will support our training and on the water rescue missions. Brighton’s support helps BARU save lives on the water.

Thank you very much!

May 9, 2023

First tasking of the season last night was a 26’ Grampian sailboat which had lost engine power. The vessel was located near the mooring balls near PYC and very close to other moored sailboats.

Using the Hip-tow method, we were able to tow him into the local marina and secured the vessel to the dock wall.

May 7, 2023

Congratulations to all who participated in the Kiwanis walleye world fishing tournament. The winners can be found at

Click the picture above to see a few more pictures of our patrols over the weekend. Saving lives on water!

May 6, 2023

BARU is out on patrol for the Walleye World Fishing Derby making sure everyone involved is safe on the water!

Good luck to everyone!

Apr 30, 2023

All members with CCGA must do a ride check evaluation every 5 years. If you saw us on the water today, this training was a ride check for our coxswains! The ride check must be done by an outside CCGA training instructor to ensure we are within the CCGA requirements that include a variety of scenarios.

Apr 26, 2023

BARU is back in service and ready for the 2023 boating season! Day or night, the crew of The Brighton Auxiliary Rescue Unit is on call 24/7 for marine emergencies. Whether you are experiencing a medical emergency or a mechanical breakdown we are just a phone call away. For a marine emergency, dial *16 on your cell phone or channel 16 on VHF and you will be connected with the rescue centre and help will be on the way.

Did you know that there is no charge for our services?

Apr 21, 2023

We would like to thank Willow Publishing of Brighton for donating and applying the registration graphics to our rescue boat.

We would also like to thank Whites Mechanical of Belleville for doing the necessary welding repairs.

Oct 4, 2022

As the 2022 season comes to an end, Brighton Auxiliary Rescue Unit would like to thank all of our volunteer members for a successful season. Your dedication, education and training is an ongoing process throughout the year and we thank you for your commitment! We would like to thank our SAR partners (424 Search and Rescue, Brighton Fire Department and the Prince Edward County Fire Department) for the valuable training this year. We look forward to working together next season.

Oct 3, 2022

Brighton Auxiliary Rescue Unit was tasked by JRCC Sunday evening to west of Shoal Point for a vessel that ran aground (with 2 people on board) due to a mechanical failure. The water level was extremely low upon arrival. Thanks to our crews training and the jet drives on our rescue boat, we were able to get close enough to pass a line and tow the vessel (a 7.5 metre Sloop) into deeper water which was safely towed to Harbourview marina where they are awaiting on repairs.

Oct 2, 2022

Brighton Auxiliary Rescue Unit received a $500 donation from North Shore Reaching Sailing School. The donation will help with training and equipment costs. Andy McCabe of North Shore Reaching Sailing School said he is pleased to provide the support to the Unit and recognizes the important work they do rescuing boaters on the water.

Sep 27, 2022

Brighton Auxiliary Rescue Unit towed a disabled vessel with one person and a dog to safety in Trent Port Marina after the vessel experienced mechanical issues and ran aground.

Sep 10, 2022

Brighton Auxiliary Rescue Unit had an early tasking this morning to 4 miles west of High Bluff Island to a vessel drifting. The Bowrider had mechanical issues in which they lost engine power. The vessel was safely towed to Harbourview Marina.

Sep 8, 2022

A great night training with Brighton Fire  and Rescue on Tuesday night for Familiarization of equipment at Gosport marina. 

Aug 22, 2022

The Brighton Auxiliary Rescue Unit of @CCGA_GCAC conducts a #SAR night training session on Presqu'ile Bay near Brighton, Ontario on August 16, 2022. The Canadian Coast Guard Auxiliary is a non-profit organization dedicated to SAR and safe boating activities. 

Aug 15, 2022

It was fabulous and educational night training with Prince Edward County Fire department Station 6 in Wellers Bay tonight. Continuous training helps Save lives on the water! Our partnership and training with these organizations allows us to respond to all emergencies with confidence. Teamwork is key to being there for our community!!

Aug 9, 2022

Brighton Auxiliary Rescue Unit Grant from Brian Todd Memorial Community Foundation. The Brighton Auxiliary Rescue Unit was thrilled to receive $4300 in grant funding towards necessary safety and rescue equipment from the Brian Todd Memorial Community Fund. The generous donation of Brian Todd Memorial Community Foundation to Brighton Auxiliary Rescue Unit provided for new immersion suits to protect our crew from the elements and potential person-overboard situations, a distress emergency strobe light and search and rescue electronics to help improve rescue capabilities.

Aug 8, 2022

Second tasking of the day! BARU was tasked by JRCC into Wellers Bay for an overturned sailboat at 1352 this afternoon. Vessel was located and was in an upright position with the person on board bailing  water. As the vessel did not require assistance, we were stood down by JRCC.

Aug 8, 2022

Brighton Rescue  was tasked out by JRCC  at 0710 this morning to a 42 Foot Catalina with mechanical steering issues in Lake Ontario south of Presquile point. They were safely towed to Harbourview Marina for repairs. 

Aug 7, 2022

Baru was tasked out by JRCC  last night to Indian Island In the bay of Quinte for a sail boat with mechanical issues. The vessel was towed to Trent port marina using a combination of a long tow and hip tow.Great job done by mostly all new crew. Training does pay off. Saving lives on water!

Jul 16, 2022

A male was transported to hospital in serious condition following a boat collision on Presqu'ile Bay in the Municipality of Brighton. Northumberland OPP, along with Northumberland EMS and Brighton Fire, responded to a two-vessel collision on Lake Ontario south of Brighton. The Brighton Auxiliary Rescue Unit and the Joint Rescue Coordination Centre (JRCC) Trenton also provided assistance. The cause of the collision remains under investigation. 

Jul 1, 2022

Baru was on the water today with 10 volunteers to cover two shifts to be ready if a boater needs our help for the Bayfest Gosport Canada Day Celebrations and fireworks!! We did encounter someone who had a mechanical failure and needed to be towed in. Protecting our community by saving lives on the water.

Jun 11, 2022

BARU participated in a fantastic and educational joint training with 424 Rescue Squadron Tiger 432 Helicopter in Presquile Bay Thursday afternoon. Continuous training is key to saving lives on the water! We regularly work in partnership with 424 Rescue Squadron and other SAR partners to keep our community safe on the water! Our partnership with these organizations allow us to respond to all emergencies with confidence.

May 2, 2022

Day 2 of training was cooler and wetter but no less successful. Thanks to all our members and @TorontoSAR members who participated in @CCGACA Phase 2 training. Towing and paper charting were among the topics. A special thanks to BARU's Terry who provided external sign off.

Apr 30, 2022

Brighton auxiliary rescue unit was pleased to accept a cheque for the grant-in-aid generously provided by Brighton municipality today. These funds will support our training and on the water rescue missions. Brighton’s support helps BARU save lives on the water. Pictured above from left to right is Josh Logan, Deputy Unit Leader, Mayor Ostrander of Brighton and Colleen McCabe, Executive Director. 

Aug 28, 2021

Brighton Rescue to the, well, Rescue! Late in the evening, Brighton Rescue Unit got a call to rescue a grounded sailboat on the east side of the Belleville bridge close to Meyers Pier.

Aug 25, 2021

On August 24, 2021, late in the evening, Brighton Rescue Unit was tasked to rescue a grounded sailboat on the east side of the Belleville bridge close to Meyers Pier. The sailboat was recently purchased by brand new sailors. Fortunately, there were no life threatening emergencies and no apparent damage to the vessel. The Brighton Rescue Unit successfully towed the sailboat off of a rock and escorted them safely back to their home harbour. 

Aug 13, 2021

Today, BARU participated in joint training with 424 Rescue Squadron Tiger 432 Helicopter in Presquile Bay. This event allowed us to scenario train the extraction of a casualty from our deck using a stokes stretcher. We regularly work in partnership with 424 and other SAR partners to keep our community safe on the water and to save lives, and it is the partnership with these organizations that allow us to respond to all emergencies with confidence. 

July 15, 2021

It continues to be a very busy year for BARU this week having completed our 17th mission thus far.  Our normal call volume over the past 6 years has averaged 9-10 calls annually, so the trend for 2021 is well above what had to this point been “normal”. 

July 11, 2021

Early this morning we were tasked to assist a C&C 37 sailboat that had gone aground just west of the Murray Canal. The skipper was navigating the night before and mistakingly went outside of the channel after missing a couple of the marker buoys in the dark. 

July 1, 2021

The 2021 boating season’s increased trend of emergency calls continues this week with another call on Wednesday morning. A 53’ Carver cruiser had gone aground just outside the channel entering Presqu’ile Bay.  

Dec 7, 2020

BARU and Tim Hortons: Valuable Community Partners Brighton Auxiliary Rescue Unit (BARU) would like to thank Brighton Tim Hortons for their support during this difficult COVID year. Doug Robertson, Chris Riley, and all the staff at Brighton’s Tim Hortons have shown incredible ongoing community support!

Oct 21, 2020

Brighton Auxiliary Rescue Unit would like to thank everyone for helping to make the Brighton Food Bank drive a tremendous success. We have been informed that by the generosity you have shown the food bank shelves are now full and an additional $500 cash was donated to those in need.

Oct 12-18, 2020

Brighton Auxiliary Rescue Unit has partnered with the Brighton Food Bank and we are asking for your support. Food donations can be made to the Brighton Food Bank on Friday, October 16th at Sobey’s and on Saturday, October 17th at No Frills.    

Jun 1 - Oct 15, 2020

Have a boat sitting in your back yard that hasn't seen the water in years? Are you tired of doing the seasonal maintenance on a toy that stopped being fun some time ago, do you just not have the room to store it anymore, or are you just plain tired of looking at it? Donate your boat to Brighton Rescue and receive a tax credit for the value of the sale of the boat.

Jun 20 - Sep 30, 2020

Our crew were on the St. Lawrence River SW of Rockport Ontario receiving instruction on our new crew vessel. As we were returning to the dealer's location we were flagged down by 3 people on a pontoon boat in the middle of the river. we came alongside and rafted with the vessel.  

Jun 24 - Sep 30, 2020

Brighton Auxiliary Rescue has been busy this year, fundraising towards the purchase of a new rescue vessel as well as recruiting new volunteers. The vessel was brought back from repairs at Crates Marine after getting a water pump replaced and other minor fixes.